The Jumper

While I was in San Francisco I had a weird experience. I was coming up from the Metro, (Powell St. Station), on the escalator and saw a funny thing, and a scary one too. There was a woman standing there at the base of the second set of escalators and starring out with a funny look on her face. She got a cue from someone and started walking towards me, past me in the opposite direction. I look back and there is a man doing the same thing but following me. At the top of the escalator I look around and there are cameras and people with mics, booms, and such, they are filming something. So I step aside and watch. I see the woman get back into position, the man take his position and then do another take. This time I decide to go back down and come up again just to get into another take, because I think that I was in one the first time I came through and saw them. I take my position and wait. There is a delay, so I go over to the man (he does not look famous) and ask him what they are filming? He says a commercial for a phone co. Now he gets his cue and off I go, right behind him. We pass the woman and up the escalator we go. I try to look nonchalant and casual hoping to get in a final take, since they are doing so many. I figure, at this point, that I am in two takes so will now go about my thing, watching as I leave I notice that they have all stopped and are all looking up in the same direction. So I look up too and there is a building there with a man on the ledge. WOOOH! A jumper. Really? Is that what he is doing? He's in a pair of blue underwear and nothing else. YIKES! Really? To go to where I am headed I need to jump on a bus and right now the bus I need is pulling up. I get on and tell the driver that there is a jumper, she says that she needs to call it in. Everybody on the bus looks and announce that the cops are all over the place. So we head off, comments of all kinds are being made. It is the first time I had ever seen this kind of thing and am so glad not to see if the guy jumps. I know I could not bear to witness his death. (in this picture you can barely make him out, I took this with my little cell phone camera while on the bus, second window from the top right. Directly above the location the filmcrew was using)

Wow!!! I am so glad I got out of there and didn't see it. It would have been awful. Poor guy, who knows what would make someone do this, but to jump off a building in such a public place, that is just too much and puts others in the way. I don't mean that he'll land on someone, but that he is involving all others, being there or not, like it or not. I believe, a person may make ones own decisions, but if you choose suicide, do it in private. Do not force this on any other. It is ones own private act, not mine. I don't mean to be cold, but what was he doing? Trying to dye in a TV commercial just as I was trying to 'jump' into one? I have no information about all this because, truly, I was just passing through.
I do hope I made it into a TV commercial, that would be fun. Not into this TV drama, that would be not.
I am sorry you had this scar your afternoon. I am sorry he jumped. Nothing is so bad to make a person do this permanent solution to a temporary set of tragedies. Nothing. I wish someone could have gotten to him inside his head before he jumped.
I hope you made it into the commercial.
You should ask for royalties.
Jumpers are not trying to scar your afternoon. They do not "chose" the act. I have thought about your comments many times in the last 3 years and 113 days since my only child's death. Dylan had never before shown any signs of mental illness and had never been suicidal. He died experiencing a medical emergency so severe he did not live through it. He died--bullied to death--in a public suicide baiting in Hallidie Plaza, San Francisco. What he suffered should never happen to another human being again. We have started a Suicide Baiting Prevention awareness page at
My story "Suicide Baiting --- they cheered while my son jumped" is posted at iPinion Syndicate at
I have no idea what or why anyone can or would do this, and I hope not to ever know. That being said, I'm sure there are reasons behind people's suicide. It's just not a part of the world I want to live. We don't always get want we want and I do feel for you and your loss, your son's pain and how it affects all. A public suicide brings this to many who are not involved or have any reason to know just what pain one is going threw. Somehow, we do feel it, just not to that degree. Surly, there must be overwhelming pain/reasons. It's not for me to choose or see such things. I have enough problems with republicans and religious lunatics.
I'm not sure what is meant by suicide baiting, please explain.
Suicide baiting is the malicious encouragement of suicide.
My son experienced a mental health emergency, the first and only one we ever knew about. He needed help, not derision. His autopsy was clean; he had never been suicidal or had mental health problems. We do know he experienced a fight with his girlfriend on Valentine's Day, the Sunday before the Tuesday he died. He and his girlfriend had lived in that loft apartment for only 10 days. Most suicide baitings occur to victims on the 6th to 12th floors, what psychologists call the "twilight zone of humanity." Anything below the 6th the potential hecklers recognize a flesh and blood human, anything above the 12th, the victim is out of earshot.
I, too, Rocko, would never have chosen this for myself and my only child. It is definitely NOT something I want to live through, either. Neither my son nor I could have envisioned such horror. I am only now just able to respond to the many blogs, posts, and pictures. I am working to raise awareness, train police officers to manage mobs, and prevent anyone else from ever dying such a brutal death again.
My newest poem, "if Dylan had been a pit bull," is posted at iPinion Syndicate at
Rocko,Maybe instead of worrying about this ruining your afternoon,you could have been that one person that could have yelled'DON'T DO THIS!' or "I CARE". On a day when it was this persons lowest point in his life,the crowd only offered taunts & callousness,saying "JUMP" or the most postive was ,"GO INSIDE,YOU FOOL!" I am ashame to be a part of a human race where people would bait a suicide attempt or run away so it wouldn't ruin their afternoon. Maybe YOU could have been the one person to make a difference. If next time you see someone attempting suicide & you see a crazy person yelling at him to not do it or at the cops to stop the taunters,run home & write a blog about it.Maybe that
'crazy 'person could be you.
Would you have stopped to help the jumper if it was the person you were meeting for drinks later?Would THAT have ruined your afternoon too?
"Suicide baiting: no kindness in the Age of Anonymous Cruelty" is posted at
"When police do not protect: a 2010 suicide baiting in San Francisco" is posted at
"San Francisco police: Worse than irrelevant" is posted at
"SFPD message to suicide baiting crowd: Your target deserves to be hurt" is posted at
A trial date has been set to begin July 28, 2014. This is where we are in litigation: "SFPD takes four years to prepare defense for 2010 suicide baiting" at
What happened in the suicide baiting death of Dylan Yount was NOT free speech. It was an exploitation of a suicidally depressed man for ENTERTAINMENT. This is very sick: "Suicide baiting now legal in Minnesota" at
and "Minnesota Supreme Court turns its back on mentally ill" at
We have lost our bid to be heard in a jury trial in Superior Court and are taking our case to the First District Court of Appeals in San Francisco. Two new columns explain where we are in the litigation process. Both "Superior Court and SFPD label felons 'hecklers'" and "Law and the semantics of suicide baiting in San Francisco" can be found at iPinion Syndicate.
"Play is relative: Cat baseball in Missouri and Rome in San Francisco" at
Do the police ever control crowds in San Francisco? "Send in the clowns: Calling the San Francisco police" at
Oral Arguments for "Kathie Yount et al v. City and County of San Francisco et al" will be heard August 20, 2015, in the First District Court of Appeal, 350 McAllister Street, San Francisco, regarding the 2-16-10 suicide baiting death of Dylan Yount at the Forever 21 building in Hallidie Plaza at Powell and Market Streets, San Francisco. No room designation has been assigned at this time.
Am I my brother's keeper?
"San Francisco still defends 2010 SFPD-sponsored suicide baiting"
"Suicide baiting case gets 10 minutes in court"
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