Well I am bored and frightened these days. The up coming elections are scarring me. I don't believe that the Republicans will give up without pulling their dirty tricks. I don't believe we will ever see another fair election. As I understand it the 2000 and the 2004 elections were rigged to make Bush president ( we all remember what happened in Florida,2000 and in Ohio,2004 Bush got more votes then they had voters in some counties, not to mention the minority vote challenging scheme),and there for Chaney running things, because Bush is too stupid to know what to do. I am sure Bush has no idea what Chaney is up to any given day, I wonder why Bush is letting Chaney destroy his legacy? For he must know that he is being written as the worst president ever while he is just following orders given to him by his handlers.
This case scenario is scary enough, but imagine if in fact Bush is running the show. Which just can't be, because we'd all be dead by now. Could anyone picture Bush sitting down and trying to look at the big picture? "What is the best course of action for the good of the people?" I know don't laugh. The scope is too great and he has not the capacity to understand complicated issues. I picture it more like this; "If we do this we make money for these people and they like me". "If we piss off these people they will hate and attack us and we can be making more money for war and huge profits". This is how the Bush Crime Family has been operating for generations, so what is to stop them ? It is in their blood.
.........................See my dilemma.

This week Paul Henry, a Kiwi celebrity, went to Alaska and took the piss out of Sarah Palin. Check it out. It's pretty funny! http://tvnz.co.nz/view/page/422430/2174646
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