
I just watched the acceptance speech of Barack Obama and it was fantastic. He more then answered all the questions about his plan and his approach for leadership. How anyone can say that they will vote for McCain over Obama is beyond me. But then I live in the United States of America, were the winner of the 2000 election was not named the President, and the winner of the 2004 election also was forced to stepped aside do to republican vote tampering. An Idiot was named President because his corrupt and evil father bought him the job for corporate and family profit. He has proven to be such a moron that he is letting his criminally corrupt Vice President run things and slaughter his name in the process. They will both go down as the worst thing that has ever happened to America and her citizens ever! Meanwhile these two and the corporate giants that they work for are raping this once great country for all it's worth.
When privately owned government is the rule, this is, by definition fascism.
Fascism will not leave power easily, it will fight to the end to retain power, as it fought bitterly over many years to come to power. This is the motivating ideas behind it. Greed, power and death. We are there! Hitler would be proud, for it looks like, in the end, that he won his struggle over the democratic way. Satan and his dopes, the Christians must be proud also because they certainly helped.
McCain has shown that he will do and say anything to attain his personal goal of becoming the President of the United States of America, even if it means going against his own political history as a so-called Maverick. For he to has fallen into the pocket of the Fascist corporate greed. To win he has no choice. When we were a Capitalistic country we were on the verge of Fascism. Capitalism is Fascism lite as Socialism is Communism lite. We need to find the middle of both of these two lighter plans, combining the best parts of both and steering clear of the negative aspects of the two. Balance between the two is the key and must not tilt too far one way or the other, or we will find ourselves here once again.
As of 2000, I have greatly felt the need to get out of this country, probably just as Jews did in the 1930's Nazi Germany. With last night's marvelous speech I do have a renewed sense that there may be hope for our government and the people that make it the greatest country. We can bring it back.

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