Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Epilog--I know it's been awhile

Now that the whole Blatz nightmare is over, I think Cecil and Maggie are getting away with crimes that they themselves would condemn in others, and they should be jailed. No one is going after them. Another case of white middle-class crime overlooked. While lesser crimes committed by minorities are punished, and reported, to fill the for-profit prison system. This was white on white crime, but the News agencies do not focus on these cases, although we get shoved down our throats, black on black crime. We can feel safe, as good 'real' Americans. The ideas that are broadcast are, "We need to worry terrorists, drug dealers, and immigrents, it's them."
How many times I had to listen to Maggie bitch about people she disapproved of. She did not know how to hide her ignorance, nor even realize that she should. Cecil, I at least, give some credit. He knew that he needed to mislead, or he'd be revealed, found out, shown to be dishonest, in many of his relationships, if not all. I do feel sorry for him, even though he was the real criminal here; to live with Maggie and raise children with her must have been very trying, enough to make anyone go mad and break laws just to survive. This does not excuse taking advantage of anyone, especially a susceptible elderly widow that has relied on her 'man' through-out her adult life. Cecil would step-in, take the place of Sallies' husband's daddy-role.
I hate to say, but Sally does rely on a man to handle things, freeing her to take care for and shop for others, and bitch about it later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the thing about Ann Coulter, and her like - They condemn things in others that they do themselves, but since its them - it's okay - its only when "liberals" do stuff - is it a crime

10:28 AM  

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