Saturday, July 22, 2006

I'd Love To Be A Fly On That Wall [11th instalment]

......................continued from (7-16-o6)
People came forward and confessed, I don't really know Sally.
For Sally, no one in the "Blatz's neighborhood" knew her, she was a well kept secret by the opportunistic Blatzs'. They, Cecil and Maggie, were the "lucky" ones to come across her!
"But we can't let them get away with this," "I can't believe Cecil and Maggie would do such a thing", are comments often heard.
One neighbor stepped up, "I can put up $75,000 dollars if you can get everybody else to put up the rest." REALLY! That would be great! One by one people did help with what they could. The feelings for Cecil and Maggie were coming to the surface. Everyone was assured that their money would be returned.
Sure there were some neighbors that did not believe this could be true. That this middle aged couple would do such a thing. "Cecil is ex-military, he's a retired Colonel. He surly wouldn't rip some old lady off." "And you are going to believe these two gay guys." Yes it was hard to believe, but we have all the evidence. Sally's stock was sold over the computer, Sally does not have a computer and does not even know how to use one, let alone she didn't know it was sold. Cecil has all her stuff and gets her mail.
But, the two gay guys were not the ones making this accusation. "I've seen it for my self". Corrine tells them. The Boys were not the ones coming forward with this, Corrine is. The Boys are away on vacation. "Weren't they the ones Maggie had it out for?" someone asks."Why do you think Cecil and Maggie turned on them? They were getting too close." Corrine says. "Well Maggie told me it was something about their property line," one neighbor responded. "No! It's about Sally!" "Cecil and Maggie don't want any of us (neighbors) to see what is going on. They want us to be scared of her," "And we are!" Nobody really knows her, just what Cecil and Maggie tell us ("fat Sally remember"). "What do we know about her?" "We know that she has been out here many, many years." "Her husband died some time ago and Cecil takes care of her, I'm surprised Maggie puts up with that." "She's kind of a bitch." were typical remarks.

Quickly the neighbors compiled most of the needed funds to put the lean on the sale of the Blatz's house. The rest of the money that was needed, the Burlyboys said that they would cover when they returned from Europe. This would have to be done quickly also. There were only days left before the closing of the sale. It was all so weird! To have so many people come to the rescue of someone they did not know very well, and with money! Rare these days, but it happened. Corrine is amazing!

Now imagine when the Blatz's are in their agents office closing escrow and the escrow officer says that the check cannot be issued to the Blatz's do to a lean on their property. The looks on their faces must have been priceless. WHAT?....BUT!.....WHO? If only I was that fly on the wall, watching this. I hope that fly appreciated what he was witness to.


Blogger Coco said...

Yay! : )

I'm so glad that you're feeling much better...and that you're able to BLOG! : )

Take Care!

2:13 PM  

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