Sunday, August 27, 2006

My Duties Are Now Known

From the moment I open my eyes in the morning, my two kids (dogs) are staring at me to take them out to the backyard so they can jump in the pool. They love it and go crazy, playing dripping wet in the Arizona summer sun. If I don't 'do as told', they follow me around the house with doggie glazed eyes, and big can we? smiles, until I do.
It takes me back to my own childhood when I did the same thing to my mother and father. Growing-up I lived in a neighborhood that had a communal swimming pool, and if you were not of the right age you could not get in without a parent. That drove me crazy! "Why do I need my mom to come and play"? She has nothing to do with it, I thought...
Strangely now, I do watch my own kids very carefully, cautious of scary things I don't want to see. I guess, now, the shoe is on the other foot. Parenting is something very real. Remembering my own lust, we all go swimming everyday, and have a great time. You really should see Sophia dive in after a Frisbee, she is a gifted athlete, over, and over, and over again. I am now lifeguard, and mom, but having fun doing it. Just a part of the job description I guess.


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