Thursday, August 28, 2008


I have always wanted to go to New Zealand and now it looks like I am going.
Recently I went to my thirty year high school reunion in Reno Nv. In looking into this reunion I found old friends that I have not seen in many years. Last spring I was visiting my mom in Reno and knowing it had been thirty years since I graduated I went to my old high school to see if there was any information about a reunion. The woman at the desk told me about and said to look there. In doing so, my best friend from school Pat found me and we reconnected. I found that there was going to be a reunion and I signed up for it. The details were e-mailed to me and some others and in those e-mails I found the e-mail address for my high school girlfriend. Turns out that she lives in, guess where, New Zealand. So I have found her, Dori. Turns out that she had married a New Zealander some 15 years or so ago. She has two boys and is doing well. We have been in contact by e-mail and on the telephone and she has extended an invitation to me and Rusty. Since Rusty is going to Europe this October, I am going to go to New Zealand by my self. I think I'll go for about one month and rent a car, even though they drive on the other side of the road then we do. Last year in London I kept forgetting to look the other way when crossing the street. I had close calls a couple of times, so it will be a challenge. I want to check out the whole country and I don't want to be a burden to Dori so I will probably go it alone. Which I do enjoy.


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