Wednesday, September 14, 2005

So sue me

I 'm not sure why, but I seem, compelled to keep talking about my accident. I guess to let it out. For a while it has not been easy to explain how I feel. The words were not there.
No, there were no words for these feelings. They had no language. They are wordless feelings.
Is that what I am doing now? giving them words?
And why? This is not known why my brain has dismissed what happened. Put me to sleep? Not to face what was just about to happen? A truck coming right at me. Did I see something so unbelievable it scared the shit out of me? In an instant I am about to die. Do you even have time for a thought? Did I even see it?
I was hit broadside, on the drivers side, by a guy running a red-light at 50 miles an hour. He didn't hit my door, he hit my engine. I was driving. I'm not dead, and I don't know why. I don't like saying that. WHY?
I want to give credit where credit is do. The trauma team saved me. But what do I do with my head now thats it's trying to put it all together?


Blogger Jack said...

you do with your head - what your heart tells you to do...

Always believe in yourself... even if you are wrong... because deep down, you will know it... and your heart will tell you...

11:03 AM  
Blogger Coco said...

Talking about our "traumas" is good for the soul. Keep doing it.

After a major trauma, one not only heals physically, but also spiritually.

Be will be fine. You have Rusty, your family and friends : )

Take Care!

6:28 PM  

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