I'm sending out these photos I guess as part of my healing, and to say good-by to my vehicle friend 'Brad'. Brad was so good looking, a little stud and a damn hard worker.
This is where I got hit. If it was any further back, like on the door, they say that I would not have lived with how fast the other driver was going.

My poor Brad, I loved that truck. He served me well for many years. On the upper drivers side windshield is written o5 o1 09 this is the date it happened, January 9th 2005. Below that is Brad's A.Z. license #. Also notice how many vehicles there are in the impound lot, they drive really bad here in Tucson. The American way, only be concerned about yourself. SAD!

The black truck on the left is the one that hit me, big bully pick on someone your own size. When we looked inside, it was littered with beer cans.

See my shoe? on the floor of the drivers side? The drivers side door doesn't fully close any longer. While this was new and I was dealing with a head injury, Steve told me that after the accident I kept telling people that "What happened to me? I fell on my shoulder," but he kept correcting "no you were in an accident." Later when I read the police report it said that I was found near the scene. So now we think that I unbuckled myself ( I had a seat-belt bruise ) 'fell' out and then passed out. I guess we'll never know for sure. He did almost miss running into me, maybe he thought he could squeeze through. That's probably why he floored it. I have no memory of any of this, that bothers me a little, or maybe it's better that way. Yes, I don't want to remember!

Good bye my friend. I'll miss you! We had great times together!
This is my first comment coming from my new IPad. I am happy it came one week early!
wow i am so very glad that you survived that accident...truly amazing...I feel very lucky to have the chance to meet you..thank you..
Thanks Russ, I'm happy it is mostly behind me.
Well, of course, my opinion is that you should have stayed in San Francisco- or at least the Bay Area. Even though I'm gone now, it would have been nice to have you guys around longer, and IMHO, there's no better place on Earth to live!
I'm really grateful that you made it through that, and that you've recovered as well as you have!. So what's up with that moron who hit you, anyway? They should never let him, or anyone who drinks a lot while driving a license again! Of course, they'd probably just drive without one. Idiots.
Just thought I'd catch up on your blog- I get sucked into the FB thing and zone out on it every now and then. You should post links to this on FB. Glad you got an iPad. I've loved them since they came out, but am way too poor to get one.
My mom was hospitalized recently with what they thought was a heart condition-turned out to be anxiety-related (apparently) after lots of tests... Anyhoo, she said she'd get one for me, (and one for herself) . I can't decide if I'd rather wait and see what the iPad 3 holds... I just love 'em though!
continuing to enjoy Arizona. I miss the cool Bay Area weather so much!
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