Saturday, September 24, 2005

Disaster used as backdrop

I read this in the newspaper today in READERS LETTERS, and thought it is well said. You all need to hear it.

If bush had stayed to form, he would have dropped into New Orleans in a helicopter basket wearing a fireman's uniform for his speech. It is truly fitting this president once again use disaster as a backdrop.
With his poll numbers dropping faster then the water in New Orleans, his speech did nothing to give the American people faith in his leadership.
And give me a break, he had the audacity to say his first commitment was to look after the Gulf Coast residents' immediate needs. I have news for him: He was 15 days too late.
A disaster of this magnitude requires a strong federal response, and no amount of trying to "share the blame" is going to take away from the federal government's failures.
The only thing I agreed with in his speech was that the failure was his responsibility. One thing his administration has done is brought the country closer to God, as we prey nightly to deliver us from evil until he is gone.

I think this person feels like I do: We're living in a joke. How stupid do they think we are? They only really care about making more and more money, ( we're talking billions ), for themselves and their very rich friends. The scary thing is it is not funny, people are dying!
and bush calls himself a christian. Satan must be proud!


Blogger Coco said...

Yes, Bush is a Christian, that's why my brother voted for him! ugh!

Tale Care!

8:28 PM  

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