I'm taking a trip
good friends that I left behind back in the Bay Area. San Francisco, my
former home.
I am driving solo on this ten day or two week journey. I had asked a friend of mine to join me, but he declined, he and his partner are going to Chicago at the same time. So off I go, just me. Rusty is going to stay home with the dogs. My 'wonderful kids' stress too much when we are away, so we try to have one of us stay with them all the time.
It has been too long since I have gone to my old stomping grounds, I am
very excited. I get to see Jack in Santa Rosa, Ra in Oakland, and my
friend/bro Jeff in San Francisco. I am also staying a couple of days in Palm Springs at our friend Kevin's pad and party house which is absolutely fabulous. He will be away part of the time and I will be caring for his sweet pooch J.J.
The reason I am driving is to retrieve a sculpture that Jack has been storing for me at his home. I now have a place to put it. It mounts to a wall so I am putting it on the new garage that I am building. It will be great, a very good place for it, way up high, at 12 feet.
So off I go to pack then hit the road in the mornin