Friday, January 20, 2006

The Race is ON [8th installment]

continued from Jan. 7th post............

At first, you just react. You are shocked and surprised in disbelief, but later anger sets in. It doesn't really just set in, it blows open the doors and windows. Could you imagine finding out that the people you trust and rely on are cashing-in on your demise? Cecil and his horrible wife Maggie, in their minds, had control of this elderly widow that has been living remotely, all alone, starved for attention, out of town, with no heirs to will her now valuable home and land. This was soon to belong to the Blatzs'. Tucson was growing very fast and property, just out of the city limits, that was once vast desert, end-less, was now the way of the future. Cecil and Maggie, themselves both retired and elderly, had their own comfortable chunk and soon would have Sally's ten acres with a house to cash in on. But why wait? There is hundreds of thousands of dollars in valued stock that will-be-soon theirs also. "Lets use it now, Who's to know? It's gonna be ours anyway. Why not!" It was an easy fortune for them, just keep everyone away. That shouldn't be too hard! Till the Burlyboys come along and mess it all up. Start poking around, asking questions, not doing as they are told.

The Boys have just one problem. They're going away on vacation for three weeks. They are going to Europe to one of the boys' niece's wedding in Sweden, and turning the trip into a longer vacation including Norway and Germany. " What do we do?" they turn to each other. "Lets get Dan and Corrine involved. We'll tell them what we know and see if they can help. Lets ask them." Dan had told the boys that he helped a woman in a similar situation once. They asked Dan and Corrine to come over and told the dreadful story with all it's depraved antics of the Blatzs, and how they feared for Sally's life. About the stock sales of which Sally had no clue. Of Cecil getting his name on all of Sally's accounts, about the redirecting of Sally's mail and cut phone lines. About the selling of their house and telling no one as they fear they're about to get caught. Dan and Corrine took the assignment with ease and wanted to help, they are both capable adults, and would be very important in the research. Corrine would take Sally to the tax preparer that Cecil took Sally's taxes to, since Sally had no copies. To see if Cecil claimed the profit on the sale of the sold stock or if he had Sally pay it. No one believed Cecil himself, would claim the sale, "surely he's smarter then that." An appointment was made with the Lawyer Sally had used to put Cecil on her will and they all agreed to go with Sally to take Cecil back off and put Sally's previous benefactors back on. Jay and his wife Annie were old friends that Cecil had managed to run-off. Jay had once took flying lessons from Sally's late husband Jack. They had remained friends until Cecil stepped in. The race was on to prove the Blatz's criminal intentions before the they flee the scene of their crimes, never to be seen or heard from again.

While the Burlyboys were in Europe, having a blast, they stayed in contact with Sally to made sure she was doing well. On one phone call Sally says in a somber tone "you were right". The Burlyboy on the phone with her asked "what do you mean.?" Sally responds with "I didn't believe you guys at first." "What?" "I was just going along with you guys on this. I really didn't think Cecil would do this!" If you didn't believe us why did you help us? he asked. "I was going along for the companionship. Cecil and Maggie don't have me over very often. I get lonely out here," She whispers over the phone. "Then why do you believe us now?" he asked. "Corrine and I went and got copies of my taxes and Cecil did put the capital gains on my taxes. He used some of the profit from selling my stock to pay the taxes, so I wouldn't get suspicious. We now have proof." be continued

Thursday, January 19, 2006


"We must attack Iraq! My family and friends will make trillions."

"I must spy on Americans, what if they try to get their freedoms back, and take Dick and me out of power."

"I am a war president, there's money to be made with non-stop war."

"I support Life, white people's life, not black, brown, yellow, or red, and only if you are very, very rich. Everybody else can go to hell."

"Judge Allito will make a great Supreme Court Justice. He does what I tell him."

"You must stay freightened, that's how we sway you."


Sunday, January 15, 2006

La Fiesta de Los Osos

The Bears have invaded Tucson and it was a wonderful encounter.
Every year at this time in Tucson, Bears from all over the country come to the Old Pueblo en-mass to meet, eat, drink, and do what Bears do to and with other Bears.
I have been to Bear events in other cities and always walked away with a smile on my face, and a chuckle, thinking this is too silly. I love Bears, hell, my husband is the oppitame of a Bear. At all Bear functions we have gone to, the Bears, upon having laid eyes on him, bow in respect and desired aw to him, as they pass me by, without even a glance.
Tucson does do it better then any I have been to. Which isn't to say that I have been to very many, the few I have gone to made me so over these things that I didn't care for them. The Bear Rondevou in San Francisco was always such a joke, there is even a group that call themselves "the Better Bears," as we refer to them as the "Barbie Bears," and of course their beauty contest, for Mr. Bear This or That. Bear Bust in Orlando Florida could have been fun, but their whole thing was about the beauty contest too. Here in Tucson, the Bear Fiesta was, I think, well planned and fun. As I look at the schedule I do see a Sticker Bear Contest and a Fiesta Bear contest, I have no idea what those are and I heard nothing about them, they didn't seem to be a main focus. What they did seem to focus on was outings and fun stuff. Tucson does have cool stuff visitors can easily do in and around town. Rusty and I are just now, thanks Bears, discovering things around here to do. Today we went to the Southern Arizona Wine Country. Yes it is true there is one, with good wines! I'm now impressed, loving wine and all.
Rusty enrolled us in the Fiesta events this year since we were planning our second and last Bonfire Party of the season this same weekend and thought it would be fun to invite the Bears as something fun to do out in the desert with the drum circle and the full-moon. We did make the mistake of not going to any of the planning meetings to offer it as an event for the Fiesta. What we did do was, as we went to register for the event, we thought that we would tell people that after dinner and social time people could come out to our place, Burlyboy Ranch. Some of the organizers let us know that we shouldn't expect much notice from the Bears that have arrived, but we could post invitations on the bulletin board which we did and told some people during dinner.
Well the party was a hit. It was not only Bears, but many of the regulars and some Bears that all said they enjoyed themselves, and looked forward to it next year. I certainly did enjoy the weekend and look forward to it next year, but we'll plan better. As for the clean-up all is back in place, but it could be difficult returning the clothing to some of the men that got naked, what were they wearing when they left?

No, we didn't find that much, just a couple of shirts.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Rusty turns out to be a Superman!
I knew that.

Your results:
You are Superman
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
The Flash
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here

Monday, January 09, 2006

It's Been One Year Today

Today is the anniversary of my big car crash. Death came too close to our family, and was not welcome. Rusty says that this time of year is hard on him, and I understand why; he was there, worried about me, while I was out of it, in the hospital.
Rusty did not want any Christmas decorations this year to remind him. Last year the decorations were up through January and part of February, the entire time while I was in the hospital. He said that looking at them made him sad and feel lonely. So this year no Christmas chach-ca. The funny thing is that I did not put up Christmas trees or any decorations for the holidays till I met him, just lots of lights. He had to have a tree every year and the whole works, but it was me who put them up and take them down. I loved doing it for him. So up they stayed until I was home again to take them down.
One year is what all the doctors said it would take to feel back to normal. "Give it a year" I was told so many times, I thought that they were just saying that to make me feel that I would somehow, someday feel o.k. or back to normal. I will admit that I do feel that I have come a long way, especially now at the anniversary of the day. My head is so much clearer now even more then one month ago. Why one year? is that in the contract? is it true for everybody? The doctors, the physical therapists, and the shrinks (sorry), all say give it a year.
Yeah I do feel much better, but my life is changed. Before it was my world, I make things that I want, happen, within reason of course. I always thought that if someone was driving straight at me, I would surely see them and get out of the way, "you can't hurt me", not if I can help it. But I guess that is not so. What happened to my command? Reality set in, and it is not always good. Was I so disillusioned before? Are we all? Not until we crash do we see it? If so that is sad. How do we learn it without a crash?
So on this anniversary, life goes on and I went about my day as planned last night, work on the patio, go to the bank, quick stop at Trader Joe's, Office Max, and home for dinner. When I drove up, Rusty was outside waiting and says, "Where were you? I was worried." "I kissed you good-by, did you think something happened to me?" I asked. "YES" So it is still difficult for both of us. Today has been trying and heavy, but thank goodness, not as bad as one year ago.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

What a Couple of Thieves [7th installment]

continued from Jan. 1st post..........

"Sally does Cecil control your stock?" the Burlyboys ask in a serious tone. "He has everything of mine in his safe. Cecil gets my bills, makes out the check, then brings the check to me for signing, he takes care of all that, he has for years. Since my husband passed away anyways." she informs the Burlyboys. "Have you been selling any stock?" the boys asked. "No, why would I?, I don't need it right now." "O.K., then have you endorsed any checks that you did not know what they were?" they ask her. "No, I always look of course. I wouldn't sign anything that I didn't know what it was. Cecil sometimes puts a bunch of checks in front of me and says sign here and here, but he always tells me what they are." "Are you sure?" the boys ask again. "As far as I know." Sally responds. One of the Burlys finally asks, "do you have anything with any information about your stock, any phone numbers of your stock broker, or stock buying program, employee information phone numbers, anything at all?" "Let me look", said Sally. After rummaging around her house for several minutes Sally says, "I found this list of phone numbers for retired employees, and one is for employee stock." The Burlys use the speaker phone on the cellphone to call the number. It is late, so they can only leave a message and ask for a call back. The next day they get a call back and they are provided with specific phone numbers of a number of third party brokers. The Burlys call the numbers, again with Sally listening on speaker phone: AT&T - 500 shares sold 03-10-02, Bell South 1000 shares sold 11-05-02, Sprint 2500 shares sold 05-23-03, Quest 1200 shares sold 10-16-03, Vodaphone 5000 shares sold 04-02-04. At this point Sally is sitting paralized! Eyes wide open, her chin dropped to her blouse, in a state of shock, dumbfounded. After a long pause, and no more calls, says "I can't believe they did this to me. Selling my stock! but I haven't endorsed any checks!" "Are you sure?" the boys ask. "That little bastard! Cecil is so tricky, he must have slipped them in." "Think again, did Cecil ever ask you to sell any stock?" "No, never, how could he sell my stock?" We better find out everything we can quick, because they are moving. Sally is still overwhelmed, as one could rightly imagine. "They've wiped me out" she whispers in disbelief. How could these people say to Sally that "neighbors have to watch-out for each other, we have to stick together, thats what neighbors are for." Cecil and Maggie met Sally when they moved to the area shortly after her husband died. Sally told the boys that Cecil came over one day and introduced himself to her, and Maggie too. Had her over, got to know her, helped her in her time of need. then pounced on her loneliness. O.K. that is my version, but that is what happened. Sally had no heirs and was getting up in years, was probably wondering what to do with her house and ten acres, Cecil became her only friend (his own doing), it made sense to her, leave it to him, her neighbor and handler. That sounded good to Cecil, something for nothing, just how he likes it. Till evil set in, and Maggie, o.k.... same thing. be continued

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Bonanza! Pam Strikes Gold! [6th installment]

continued from Dec. 29th post................

They've put their house on the market! They're moving! WE MAY have caught them at something, but what? "I Don't know, but they're fleeing." Good for the Burlyboys, but what does this mean for Sally?
Telling Cecil to watch out because we are looking, seems to have really scared him. "He's such a wus you know." The boys held a lot of resentment for the Blatzs. They had figured out, the hard way, that the Blatzs were not nice people. it was now obvious the two households did not care for each other. Sally loved the attention! as it had been sooooooooo long for her to get any. "Could you imagine what Maggie is screaming at Cecil?" one burly says to the other. "I know, I know, he-he. Could you imagine what Cecil is screaming at Maggie?" "Yes, something like:" "If it wasn't for you being such a bitch they never would have suspected anything. You have to control yourself; you are very rude to people, and you're very mean to Sally, and you talk nasty about her in front of people; if you could be nice; everything would be fine; it would all be ours; you're going to blow-it for us! MAGGIE, DO YOU KNOW WHAT WE HAVE DONE?" "STAY OUT OF THE WAY AND LET ME HANDLE THIS!"

One day, after a veterinary visit for the best boy, dog, Duke to Pam's office, one of the Burlys said to the other Burly, "Pam and I were talking about this Sally, Cecil, and Maggie thing," Pam, it so happens, knew Cecil and Maggie because she is the Blatzs' veterinarian also. The Blatzs had recommended Pam, "the best veterinarian in town," to the boys when Cecil and Maggie were trying to befriend the Burlyboys. Pam said, as a cautionary measure, "Look at Sally's stock." The Burlyboy asked Pam "what do you mean?" she said again, "Look to see if Sally has stock. That's always a good place to start." That's an idea," "I wonder? I don't know? Maybe she does?" The Burlyboy runs home and asks the other, "Do you know if Sally has stock?" "I'm not sure, let's ask her." Turns out that Sally does own stock. Mega stock in the Mega Phone Company, all of Sally's years that she had worked for the phone company, Sally was buying stock in an employee stock buying program. Money was deducted from her paycheck automatically each week to purchase stock in the Phone Company, like clockwork. She enrolled in this program so long ago that she didn't really think about it, and was not really relaying on it, but Cecil did! Bonanza! His gold mine, now that Sally had nobody but him, it was all his. "I can now cover all of Maggies' whims and some!." Cecil must have been swimming in Pure Greedy Joy! be continued