Kody Coburn/McQueen

We have a newer family member that I have not talked about too much here. His name is Kody. We call him Kodako. He's a three year old Boxer / Greyhound mix. That is a funny mix because you can see both breeds in him. He has the head of a boxer and the body of a greyhound. He chomps his ball obsessively and when I can get it from him and through it for him to retrieve he runs like lightning. He is fast! Right after I first brought him home I was not so sure that I did the right thing. He was so nervous and timid. He was scared of almost everything, and gave you a look that he was waiting for something or someone to hit him. He'd run from me if I picked up a wooden spoon or my back scratcher. He would not come when called and showed signs of abuse. He even had what I now think are battle scares. Here is a picture that I took right after we he came to live with us. Notice the not so sure look on his face. I had to hold him to take this.

It started when I was at our vets office and saw this poster of this cute dog looking for a new home and Ann, our vet tells me that that dog is here in her office today. I take one look at him and he is so cute. She tells me that his previous owner had tried to commit suicide and that this man's brother and his wife take Kody away. They try to bring him into their home but that their dog won't accept him and a big fight breaks out with their dogs attacking little Kody. They tell this story to their vet, which is also my vet and ask her if she can help them find Kody a home. that's where I come in. He has turned out to be a wonderful new friend and we love him so much. Sophia thinks that he is a pesk and he , I think, wants her place in the pecking order. To be forth instead of fifth out of five.
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