Aleah Coburn/McQueen

________OUR NEWEST GIRL_______________
This beautiful woman is Aleah Coburn/McQueen. She is a German Short Hair Pointer we think. She is two years old they tell us, but I believe that she is older. Her spots are reddish/brown and are all over her body and face, but her ears have this solid color. I call her; the little freckled face red head girl with pig tails. We adopted her at the shelter here in Tucson. She is almost the same size as Kody but a little heavier. The two are getting along fine but the first day they had a fight to get to know each other. Last night they slept close by each other, with Aleah touching Kody. So she is trying. I think Kody would like to be a single dog but that is not going to happen. I love having two dogs and he is just going to have to get used to it.
________OUR NEWEST GIRL_______________
It is a few days later and everybody is getting along great. Aleah is quite a little cuddler and she loves to give kisses, but she is learning not on the lips.
What a lucky girl, to have found a fun and loving home :) Some of us go through hard times only to fall on a soft pillow. That is where she landed. The soft pillow of Rocko and Rusty's home. With even an eventual welcome from Kody! Lucky girl.
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