Bearly Getting Anything Done

I've discovered this site on the Internet. It's called called Bear411, it is taking up a lot of my time. It's getting serious! I find that I am spending a vast amount of time on this computer, time that I never did before. Even more time then when I was writing my story and learning how to read again after my head injury in 2005. This site is for that burly man that is attracted to that other burly man. It's, I guess, one of the new social networks that have become so popular. Friends of mine have been after me to sit down at the computer and use Blogger and Facebook, which I have done a bit, but I find I am using Bear411 so much more. Men have a way of getting my attention it seems, because I have met the most sexiest of sexy men on this site! And horny men too. I sit down with the intention of just checking in with the site and find hours later, I've been here half of the day. Nothing is getting done! And I have so much to get done! I hope it is just a fad with me because, it is not like me to do this. That said, Lets go see who is on.