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Liberal is not a four letter word; Bush is.
posted by Rocko at 1:07 AM
My family and I (husband and two dogs) moved to Tucson Arizona in 2003 from San Francisco California. We have always enjoyed the desert so we made the move. Once we had decited to move to a southwestern city, we started sort-of interviewing places like San Diego, Santa Fe, Palm Springs and decited that our money would go further in Tucson (I now see why ;-).We cashed out of one of the greatest cities in North America for a rual life on a little ranch outside of Tucson. Life was good working on our home in this extreme and beautiful place in Southern Arizona, then one day I was struck by a hugh truck while driving my little truck. It was a really bad accident. This was January 9th 2005. I do not remember most of that year and was in a comma for a month to be followed by multible surgeries. I hit my head very hard, damaged my brain (they say),and shattered my left shoulder now I have an artificial shoulder which I am amazed they can even do. This blog is to vent and help the healling process and I think it is working. Now I am on the mend and getting used to adapting. Life does go on and I have no complaints. Wish me luck.