Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Aleah Coburn/McQueen

________OUR NEWEST GIRL_______________
This beautiful woman is Aleah Coburn/McQueen. She is a German Short Hair Pointer we think. She is two years old they tell us, but I believe that she is older. Her spots are reddish/brown and are all over her body and face, but her ears have this solid color. I call her; the little freckled face red head girl with pig tails. We adopted her at the shelter here in Tucson. She is almost the same size as Kody but a little heavier. The two are getting along fine but the first day they had a fight to get to know each other. Last night they slept close by each other, with Aleah touching Kody. So she is trying. I think Kody would like to be a single dog but that is not going to happen. I love having two dogs and he is just going to have to get used to it.
________OUR NEWEST GIRL_______________
It is a few days later and everybody is getting along great. Aleah is quite a little cuddler and she loves to give kisses, but she is learning not on the lips.
Monday, February 09, 2009
In Loving Memory, Honor and Respect
March 18, 1996 - February 9, 2009
Our two and dearest kids are now at rest. On this day my namesake Rocko the Wonder Dog and his sister Queen Sophia have been relieved of life's heavy constraints that develop in old age. For they were three weeks away from their thirteenth birthday. That equals ninety one in human years. They always give so much of themselves though out there lives. Love, Loyalty, and of course their friendship. They are the very best. I love them so much. I would always tell people that they were Rotten/Labs, pun intended, part Rottweiler part Labrador and part Upright Piano.
Rocko was the most intelligent dog that I'd ever known. In our puppy training classes (mainly designed to train me in the disciplines of dog ownership), we took together when he turned four months old, the instructor would always use Rocko to show the other puppies and their owners how to do the exercise because he would just seem to know how and what to do. He picked up every command so easily. He so wanted to please! Exercises that people would say dogs can not do. He'd prove them wrong. He could smile on command and he could even say his own name. Anyone could ask him, What's your name? and he'd respond Rarao. People would be amazed, laugh and keep asking him, what's your name and he'd do it again and again knowing that he was making them happy. He has a huge heart. Even how large he grew in size he remained a very sensitive and caring friend. For after my many surgeries he seem to have the knowledge that I'd been through a trauma, he'd carefully approach, smell the wound site, then would offer gentle licks of the stitches and lay his massive head on me in comfort. He knew nothing but compassion.
Even though my two dogs were brother and sister from the same litter, identical in appearance but still quite different. Queen Sophia is equally intelligent, but carried herself in a different and regal way. She held her head so high and proud that she could bring energy and joy to everyone that she met. She had class and the ability to lead her world as she wanted it in a civil, but competitive way. For she knew the fair and sensible way to achieve the desires she cared for. Sophia was quite the athlete also. She shared a love for the swimming pool and Frisbees. During the heat of our Tucson summers she would bring me a Frisbee and encourage me to throw it into the pool where she would dive right in after it and come up with it in her mouth. She could do this for an hour, rest a bit and go again. She loved this and even after her stroke when her balance was so effected she'd spend all day swimming after that Frisbee for the pool gave her the freedom of movement that her legs, on land, had been troubling her.
They came into this world on the same day, and parted on the same day, but they didn't come into my world on the same day. We got Rocko when he was two months old. Sophia's first owner one day told me that he had to move and that he couldn't keep her. I asked him what he was going to do with her and he said that he was hoping that I'd take her. So at two years old Queen Sophia came to be with us and we all became one happy family!
Rocko and Sophia, you both have given to me and my Partner a lifetime of love, joy, and friendship. I hope that we have done the same for you. For you have been my life!
Farewell my friends, enjoy your journey, and THANK YOU for sharing your lives with us.

Even though my two dogs were brother and sister from the same litter, identical in appearance but still quite different. Queen Sophia is equally intelligent, but carried herself in a different and regal way. She held her head so high and proud that she could bring energy and joy to everyone that she met. She had class and the ability to lead her world as she wanted it in a civil, but competitive way. For she knew the fair and sensible way to achieve the desires she cared for. Sophia was quite the athlete also. She shared a love for the swimming pool and Frisbees. During the heat of our Tucson summers she would bring me a Frisbee and encourage me to throw it into the pool where she would dive right in after it and come up with it in her mouth. She could do this for an hour, rest a bit and go again. She loved this and even after her stroke when her balance was so effected she'd spend all day swimming after that Frisbee for the pool gave her the freedom of movement that her legs, on land, had been troubling her.

Rocko and Sophia, you both have given to me and my Partner a lifetime of love, joy, and friendship. I hope that we have done the same for you. For you have been my life!
Farewell my friends, enjoy your journey, and THANK YOU for sharing your lives with us.