Thanking David
We got Rocko from the SPCA as a puppy and David adopted Sophia at the same time, we didn't know each other.
I would take Rocko to the dog park all the time to burn off all his puppy energy and to hang with other dogs. One day, when Rocko was about two years old, I saw him bothering some people and I hollered at him to stop. He didn't stop, which was unusual, for he was always well behaved. Just then, this guy yells to the dog to stop and the dog did. But he was yelling out the name Sophia. And my dog Rocko came running up behind me.
There are two dogs here that looked exactly the same! My Rocko and his Sophia. I approach the guy about this and we start exchanging notes. He got her from the SPCA and she was from a litter of thirteen that were born there. This was my story to. We have siblings dogs. Brother and sister. We decide to exchange our info and it turns out that the guy only lived two blocks from us. And in a city like SF, that was amazing. I was not at the neighborhood dog park, I was at the one on the beach, a couple of miles away.
From then on, we called each other to arrange meetings so they could play. At least once a week we'd meet at the beach. One day as we met there, he says that he has to move and he can't take Sophia with him. My first instinct, I panic, what are you going to do with her I ask? He says, that he was hoping that I'd take her. Instant relief! I have been wanting another dog, but my husband keeps saying no. Now he has no choice, we are getting Sophia! We make the exchange and she comes and lives with us. This was odd for Rocko, he likes Sophia but isn't it time she goes home? No buddy, get used to her, you're not an only dog now. They do settle in and became the best of friends.
Rocko already had a brother living with us. We had a cat named Boo, and Rocko idolized Boo. Boo was Rocko's big brother even though Rocko grew four times as big as Boo, little brother still wanted to climb under the office desk each day, just as Boo did. Sophia on the other hand did not care for Boo at all! Now it was Rocko's job to protect Boo. She learned quickly not to mess with Boo.
From here is the letter I wrote to David, to notifiy him of Sophia's passing. Yesterday I came across his email address, so thought it time to inform him. He loved her as much as I did.
My name is Darrell, I'm sure you remember me, I am the guy you gave Sophia to when you moved from San Francisco. I just came across your name and email in my desk after so long of it being buried.
I just wanted to Thank You again for letting Sophia join our family and her natural brother Rocko. They have been the loves of my life! They truly were the best dogs ever! We called her Queen Sophia, she carried herself with the best grace and dignity even to the end.
Yes, I'm sorry to have to tell you that she is no longer with us, both her and Rocko have passed back in 2009. Had I found your email sooner I would have informed you then.
Sophia suffered a stroke in 2008 which affected her equilibrium so she had balance problems but was still all there in her head. I simply would loop a belt around her waist and help her along. I was her wheel chair for the last year. Since she could not walk on her own I'd take her and Rocko to the dog park daily to visit all the other dogs. I'd lay out a blanket on the ground and she held court with all the dogs coming over to greet her and pay respect! Everybody called her the Queen. She was amazing!
Rocko to had issues walking in his old age, but could still manage on his own, he did not like to be helped except getting in and out of the truck where he would give an unapproving grrrrr. At the dog park he would stand where all the people gathered and act as if he was involved in the conversations people were having, following each person talking with his head. Like he was a person to.
Beside the many talents he had, he could do one thing that amazed people, he could say his own name. People would ask him, "What's your name," and he'd respond, "Raroo". Over and over again they would ask him and he'd respond Raroo every time. It was wonderful. And everybody loved him greatly!
The two were truly loved by all that met them!
In 2003 we moved to Arizona, two black dogs in Arizona need relief from the heat, so we got them a nice ranch to roam around on and a swimming pool to cool off in. They really enjoyed all the wild animals to chase and the pool to jump in before their later health issues. Sophia swam right till the end, where I'd put a doggy life preserver on her so she could still swim after her beloved frisbee.
Rocko would play life guard and watch for anybody that swam to the deep end, where he would go after them to urge them back to the shallow end, or safe side.
They lived fantastic lives and we loved them very much! The end came when Rocko ended up breaking his front left leg trying to stand one day. Since he did not like to receive help from anybody, it came time to have them no longer suffer from these problems. The hardest thing I have ever come to, I'm losing my two best friends and I must lose my best friends, only for their sake! Sophia was going down hill with her stroke issues and Rocko could not move himself around anymore. We called our vet and she said that she would come out the next morning to put them out of their troubles.
That night we gave them filet mignon wrapped in bacon and treated them like the Marvelous friends they were! They knew just how much they gave us and we tried to show them the very same love back! For they were the most amazing dogs ever! I can't stop saying that enough! I have you to thank for letting Sophia share her life with us.
They came into this world together, and went out the same way, together. It was the worst day of my life! I am still missing them so much!
During their last year we got another rescue dog named Kody to maybe help Rocko and Sophia feel some youth again. He looked up to both of them to. Now that he has inherited their world he has become little Rocko, following his lead in all things Rocko and Sophia loved so much. After their passing we went and got another rescue dog named Aleah. I only wish Aleah could have known both of them to, like Kody got the chance to. In Rocko and Sophia's honor we now have two name sake dogs, Kody, named after Rocko and Aleah, named after Sophia. We also planted two trees in honor of my best friends.
I may not see them each day as I had for thirteen years, but I do feel their love and thank them daily for sharing their lives with me.
The two best dogs ever! Still in their youth.

Her Majesty Queen Sophia

And Sophia doing what she loved so much, jumping in the pool after her frisbee. Rocko, playing lifeguard sitting on the steps, chomping on his frisbee.

I do hope this makes it to you! And again, sorry for the dreadful news.
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