A Place With No Crime [12th and final]
Sally has blossomed. She is a new woman. No longer in the dark, she is rekindling old friendships, and talking to her family back in the Midwest. Still crusty and.......................and still Sally, she is no longer at the mercy of these two crooks, Cecil and Maggie.
The Burlyboys take her to the theater, something she has not done, EVER! I'm not talking about the movies, but the Theater. This has become a regular thing. She is getting used to it and "quite a critic". Her birthday is New Years Eve. and has NEVER had her own party, so the Boys took her to Phoenix for a weekend birthday, in the big city ( I won't say which birthday, she'll have my head!), to celebrate the coming of a new year for her and everyone.
Cecil is fighting for his life and has hired his own lawyer. Maggie, is still a bitch. I'm sure. A dog is a dog, and at that age, not able to change tricks. OH WELL. BUT WATCH OUT! YOU'LL SMELL HER.
It is time for court. Cecil wants to meet and settle, why? Guilty?. No, he would never say that. To save a buck, his skin, and maybe jail?. He'll offer a sum and hope Sally goes for it. Sadly she does. "I didn't have to take him to court". "Yeh never know how it's gonna go in court", was Sally's remarks. O.K? Are you OK with it? "That Bastard took me!". "I thought he was my..........................It was him that said, we're neighbors and neighbors take care of each other." You sure took care of him! For years you took care of him, and her. "THAT BASTARD", "he knew what he was doing the whole time." " it was her!" "if she wasn't so...................."Sally was angry, and going on! but not so much with Cecil, mad at Maggie, I don't think that they have ever been friends. Maggie did make it difficult to like her.
It is over. Sally was getting returned to her some money. A drop in the bucket of what was stolen from her, but hell it was stock, I don't think Sally thought of it as money. In Sally's eyes it was trust that was stolen from her, that was the thing that upset her the most. She trusted Cecil completely. She had no choice. It was hard not to blame her. She was a victim of the Blatz's greed, which seems to be running rampant in America these days.
So now the neighborhood is free of crime, I hope. If crime still exists in the neighborhood Sally and the Boys don't see it. They are off doing other things, such as, chasing snakes, listening to coyotes howl, bird watching, nightly javalina visits, and still working on their desert home, in the peaceful Southern Arizona Desert, where the old folks come to paint and die (retire).