I will be the first to say, I was losing faith in our President. I could not understand his lack of action on the issues he promised us during his presidential campaign.
(I have read both his books and thought them both highly thought out, and well written).
I had so much to be hopeful for!
Lately, he looked so comfortable, happy to be our new, "staid leader". Like so many before him.
Yes, he did succeed in giving us a 'lacking health care reform bill', got "Don't ask, Don't tell" repealed and other perceived lack luster reforms, yet highly needed. Reforms that corrected bills that were pushed forward by the previous criminally greedy, profit driven republican'ts.
With this news, Obama's, bringing to justice, the notorious killer, Osama Bin Laden. I finally see it. I see an amazing, brilliant man able to hold his own, without giving way, during all that media criticism, his drive to do what needed to be done, and what America needed to feel; also a heart felt campaign pledge.
Despite enduring personal attacks by his opponent hopefuls in the 2012 elections (Trump, Palin, Bachman and Gringrich) . He got it done! During all the mass media deluge of negative "carnival barkers", he, our now proven Great Leader, showed to be focused on a mission. A mission, long awaited, to prove to those that hope to replace him in 2012 that he will be one of our Greatest Men to Lead Us. Bless You Barack Obama! I hold you in High Esteem!
Democrats can be and are, Fierce!
Now let's see, the setting back of the right wing social agenda of hate and persecution of those that use their brains and reason, instead of following doctrine dictated by bigots and hate mongers!